Group revelation

Group revelation

June 26, 2024

26 June 2024

After giving a presentation at a group home, our staff were conducting private conversations with the residents, as we normally do.

Issues: Children’s aid society; Group home; Quality of care; Rights (Good care)

After giving a presentation at a group home, our staff were conducting private conversations with the residents, as we normally do. Several of these young people raised serious concerns about access to food and education, and disrespectful staff behaviour regarding their personal identities, privacy and safety. They told us they had complained to a supervisor, but things had not changed. It was clear that they knew what their rights were and that many of them were being violated. We noted that some of what they described could be in violation of licensing standards for group homes.

RESULT: We shared our concerns with the relevant children’s aid societies (CASs) and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Subsequently, the Ministry made unannounced visits and found 50 areas of non-compliance with the group home’s licence. We followed up with each of the young people individually to ensure their concerns were addressed by the Ministry or their CAS.

Learn more about the Children and Youth Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about child protection services.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.